Our Mission Statement
To produce superior, predictable genetics with a commercial focus, resulting in a more efficient, profitable production system for each of our clients, with a dedication to providing quality support and advice year round.

Stud History
Waitara Angus was founded in 1995, confidently growing to a 200 stud cow operation through careful selection of females from various studs, and by using embryo transfer and artificial insemination with top genetics from around the globe.
The cattle are run under commercial conditions in large contemporary groups in order to identify individuals that are truly performing in growth, fertility & structure, with low performers routinely culled. The stud operation is complimented by our 400 cow commercial breeding herd where we produce replacement females and feeder steers targeting the long-fed market. In 2013 a relationship was established with Stockyard Beef, and by purchasing background steers from our bull clients combined with our own steers we supply Kerwee Feedlot in Queensland with large quality lines of feeder steers destined for their Stockyard Beef brand. In 2014 Waitara entered the Angus Sire Benchmarking Program as a co-operator herd using commercial heifers and cows for the cohort 5 calving. Since then nearly all our commercial herd has been AI’d each year to industry leading angus bulls through the ASBP, as well as nominating several of our own sires. This is an exciting program which tests and records many hard to measure traits producing volumes of quality data & feedback.
1. Fertile, easy calving females (that calve at two years old and every year after)
2. High growth rates whilst maintaining softness
3. A balance of desirable carcass attributes
4. Structural soundness for maximum longevity
5. Balanced EBVs
To achieve a balanced approach to breeding, we have utilised all selection tools available, including Breedplan, pedigree information, and phenotype. Almost every cow is artificially inseminated, and our breeding program uses the best genetics available from Australia and overseas. Running our stud alongside a commercial operation allows us to gain a better understanding of what is required in the commercial market, so we can tailor our genetics for maximum client profit.

In order to gain a better idea of how our cattle are performing we use a wide range of performance measurement tools & DNA technology. Calves are weighed at birth, weaning, as yearlings and as 600 day and mature cows. Cattle are scanned for fat, eye muscle area, and marbling (IMF) with bulls also measured for scrotal circumference. Calves are also assessed for temperament at weaning. Our spring 6 week joining period (as opposed to all year calving) allows for large contemporary groups across 5 or 6 sires, and achieves a consistent herd. Our top yearling bulls are used in our commercial breeding program- using the best of our yearlings shortens the generation interval and increases genetic gain in the herd. With ALL data (not just the tops) sent to Breedplan for assessment we can be sure of the most accurate figures possible on our cattle. Our culls are fed and slaughtered to obtain carcase data, which is proving to be a tremendous information source. Consistent performance recording combined with phenotype and fertility assessment enables a more accurate selection of superior animals, allowing us to offer our clients a better product.